Mission & Vision
Beth Sholom is a warm, dynamic Conservative congregation serving the Jews of Memphis and their families. We provide educational, social, cultural, and religious experiences in our beautiful facility and beyond, to help ensure that Jewish life in Memphis continues to flourish for generations to come.
Beth Sholom aspires to be the Mid-South synagogue of choice by creating a welcoming community of caring that is rooted in Conservative Jewish practice, fostered by the positive and supportive relationships that members have with each other through:
Experiencing Jewish Life
We envision a community that revolves around a culture of Shabbat engagement, both in the synagogue and outside of it. It is this orientation towards the Jewish week that binds our members to each other and tethers them to the congregation itself.
Prayer and Spirituality
Spirituality is a core component of our Jewish identities, and we create an environment that allows the spiritual lives of each of our members to flourish. Through song, prayer, and meditation, we encourage the growth of our members in their relationship to God.
Learning Torah
From birth through adulthood, we believe that Torah has the power to impact our lives. We create and cultivate opportunities to engage all of our members, especially our youth, in the vast richness of wisdom our tradition offers.
Chesed and Tzedek
Our connectedness to each other and the world demands the extension of ourselves to others. We create opportunities for an outpouring of chesed, lovingkindness, to each other, as well as Tzedek, the Jewish imperative to pursue justice.
Volunteer engagement and leadership development are crucial to all of our functioning, and we seek to empower our lay leaders to be partners with our professional staff in all of the above opportunities.
The Jewish value of Tzedakah is one of our community’s most deeply held values. We encourage all members of our community to contribute in a meaningful way to the congregation and to the community at large.