Youth Education & Engagement
From tots to teens, we have something for the youngest members of our community. Regardless of where your children attend school, Beth Sholom is a place for everyone to feel at home, and it’s never too early to develop that connection! Our religious school and youth groups are sponsored in part by grants from Jewish Community Partners.
Religious School
Pre-B’nai Mitzvah: K-6
We invite all of our pre-B’nai Mitzvah school-aged children to enroll in our religious school, a place where we seek to increase the connections that our students have with our tradition and the synagogue. Beth Sholom Religious School meets on Thursday afternoons from 4:30-6:30 and on Shabbat morning at 9:30-10:15 am. Judaics and Hebrew will be woven together to provide a rich educational environment where children of many learning styles and abilities can engage in the ongoing process of building their Jewish identities.
Additionally, students in the current B’nai Mitzvah cohort (the year leading up to the Simcha) will attend the congregational Shabbat morning service and have dedicated learning time with their cohort on Shabbat morning.
Post-B’nai Mitzvah, Teen Talmud Torah (T3)
Teen Talmud Torah is an exciting learning program geared towards our 7th through 12th graders. In T3, teens will explore the current issues and develop self-awareness and advocacy skills through several curricular units; keeping the teens at the center regardless of the modality. Beginning in early September, T3 students will meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8 pm. A tasty dinner will be provided, prepared by Sharon Finkelstein.
More Youth Opportunities
Tot Programming
On occasional Saturday’s , activities for this group, ages 2-5, are designed through play-based learning!
K-2 Programming
A monthly program is lead for kids in grades K-2 and their adults to explore Judaism and the world around them as a transitional space between Tot Shabbat and more independent programming for older elementary students. These programs are warm and welcoming, and allow children and their grown-ups to learn and play together while exploring Jewish themes, such as Gratitude and Family, as well as holidays and observances.
3-5 Grade Programming
Melinda Lejman leads a monthly event for our older elementary students full of fun and surprises! Whether exploring Edible Science or getting into Human Board Games, these events are guaranteed to engage and entertain. Most events are held on Sunday afternoons.
Middle and High School Programming
We are in the process of redeveloping robust programs for our middle and high school students, encouraging teens and tweens to deepen their Jewish identities in ways that are meaningful and intentional outside of our educational programs and after their B’nai Mitzvah.
Teen Leadership
Teens looking to develop leadership skills at Beth Sholom are invited to inquire about opportunities to train as Madrichim for Kulanu, Religious School and other opportunities. When our younger students see familiar teens as leaders, it creates an important connection and also becomes aspirational for the younger teens.
Shabbat for Kids
Tot Shabbat
Each week, we hold a Tot Shabbat experience that combines music, movement and mindfulness. Which allows participants to engage in Shabbat prayers, songs, and the weekly Torah portion through music, movement and play. Tot Shabbat meets most weeks during the school year from 10:00-11:00 am. Children ages 6 and under welcome (we ask that children under 4 have a parent with them).
Junior Congregation (Kulanu)
Each Shabbat, we run our youth services program for school aged students up to 5th grade. In this space, which begins at 10:15-11:15 am, our students will have the opportunity to engage in prayer and study together. This is a time for all of our students, regardless of where they attend school during the week, to come together and socialize, learn and celebrate Shabbat.
Once a month we hold Family Kulanu, where parents and special adults are invited to join their kiddos for our Shabbat experience.
Shabbat Experience
Every week’s service in the main sanctuary concludes with an invitation to all the kids to lead Adon Olam, experience hand-washing and get first dibs on the yummy challah.
But the Shabbat family experience doesn't stop there! Every week at Beth Sholom there is a delicious luncheon, during which our whole congregational community comes together to socialize. We hope you’ll stay and join us.
Questions about all Youth and Education Programs can be directed to Rabbi Sarit Horwitz.