Our Team

Rabbi Sarit Horwitz

Rabbi Sarit Horwitz is thrilled to be in Memphis as a part of the Beth Sholom community. She moved to Memphis from New York City, where she served as the Senior Rabbinic Fellow at B’nai Jeshurun, a large synagogue with strong emphases on music, prayer, and justice work. Rabbi Sarit began there as an intern while she was still in Rabbinical School at the Jewish Theological Seminary, and she continued on full-time for two years following her ordination. In addition to standard rabbinic functions, in her time at BJ, Rabbi Sarit managed the conversion program and taught an Introduction to Judaism course, developed and engaged the community in extensive holiday programming, taught text classes, and grew the young professionals population. She learned a tremendous amount from this huge, 1700-family community, and is excited to be in the much smaller, more homey community of Beth Sholom.

Rabbi Sarit completed her undergraduate studies in the joint program between Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary with degrees in Psychology and Midrash. Concurrent with her rabbinic studies, Rabbi Sarit  was a Wexner Graduate Fellow and received a Master’s degree in Jewish Women and Gender Studies. She also served as the Rabbinic Intern at Yale University’s Hillel and completed a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at Bellevue Hospital.

Having grown up in Kansas City, Rabbi Sarit attended Camp Ramah in Wisconsin and is a Jewish summer camp enthusiast. In her free time, she loves biking, cooking (and browsing the New York Times cooking app), and reading. She lives in Memphis with her sons and husband, Rabbi Abe Schacter-Gampel, who is the Director for the Center of Jewish Life and Learning at the Memphis Jewish Community Center.

Rabbi Sarit is excited to be in touch with you, and hopes that you will reach out to connect over a cup of coffee or a good book. You can also click to the right to read “Toward Shabbat,” her weekly words of wisdom.

Director of Education

Office Manager - Erica Mosley

Erica Mosley is thrilled to be a part of Beth Sholom Synagogue. She considers herself to be a dedicated and dependable individual who is confident that her skills and academic experience will allow her to thrive. She was born and raised in Memphis, TN. A graduate of Ridgeway High School class of 2007, she has an associate degree in accounting from Southwest Tennessee Community College and a bachelor’s degree in accounting with a concentration in business administration at Strayer University. Erica spends most of her time with her son who loves basketball and video games. Her hobbies include dining out, watching TV shows, traveling, and shopping. 

 Erica looks forward to seeing your smiling faces soon and growing with Beth Sholom Synagogue. You can reach out to her by email here.